Laser Hair Removal Treatment: Benefits, Procedure, Tips and More

  • Posted By Dermaworld
  • 27 July 2021

Laser hair removal is a non-invasive (non-surgical) procedure to remove undesirable hair from the face and body. It works by directing pulses of highly concentrated light of a single wavelength into the hair follicles, which are in the new growth or anagen phase. The melanin pigment found inside the follicles absorbs the laser light and generates heat, resulting in damage to hair follicles. The laser applicator is then moved to the surrounding skin area, and the process is repeated until the entire target area is covered.

Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinic provides the Best Laser Hair Removal Treatment in Delhi under the supervision of laser treatment expert Dr. Rohit Batra.

Alma Soprano Ice Platinum used at Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics is the most advanced and safe laser that effectively removes hair from dark to light skin types. The laser beam penetrates the skin more deeply than other lasers, causes no damage to the epidermis, and directly targets hair follicles.

Who are the good candidates for laser hair removal?

The laser hair removal treatment can be suitable for all individuals but may not be equally effective for everyone. As per the initial laser technologies that were available an ideal candidate has dark, coarse hair and fair to light skin tone. This means that the light hair color won’t be able to absorb the adequate amount of light required for the destruction of hair follicles, and dark-skinned people will have more chances of having hyperpigmentation. So, it is very important to go for treatment from a dermatologist to achieve safe and best results. However, today, people with darker skin tone can also undergo laser treatment in Delhi as the lasers used at Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics can provide equal benefits to people of different skin tones. But, some may need more sessions than others for optimum benefits of laser hair removal.  

How often should laser hair removal treatment be performed?

The overall time taken for the treatment varies depending on the size or area of the treatment site. The hair starts shedding within a few weeks of the first session (a significant difference is usually observed within 2-3 weeks). To achieve complete, long-lasting results usually 6-8 treatment sessions are needed. The subsequent treatment timings can be scheduled when the hair is starting to pop up from a new hair growth cycle.

How can laser treatment be made more comfortable and effective?

The patient must take into consideration the following things before treatment:

Laser hair reduction is a comfortable procedure and the patient does not feel any pain. There’s only slight stinging sensation and heat which most people can easily bear with. Application of numbing cream and cooling gel makes it more comfortable even for people with sensitive skin.  

How to care for post-laser treatment?

What are the benefits of laser hair removal?

Interested in Full Body Laser Hair Removal in Delhi? Make an appointment for a consultation at the Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics. The team of experts at Dermaworld will advise more about the treatment that would help one to satisfy their needs.

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