Laser Hair Removal: How it Works?

  • Posted By Dermaworld
  • 01 April 2023

There are many hair removal methods, such as waxing, shaving, threading, using hair removal creams etc., but laser hair removal is becoming increasingly popular each day. Other hair removal techniques are messy and need to be done frequently. Laser hair removal, on the other hand, is the safest, highly cost-effective, has long gaps between sessions, and is undertaken by a professional. 

Many people think only women get hair removal treatments, but even laser hair removal is getting popular amongst men. Nowadays, men are also looking for laser hair removal in Delhi for the face (beard shaping), chest hair removal, or any other body hair removal. 

Let us dive deeper into the concept of laser hair removal and the best hair removal technologies available today!

What is Laser Hair Removal, and How Does it Work?

Every hair goes through a cycle of anagen (the growing phase), the catagen phase (the regression phase), the telogen phase (the resting phase), and the exogen phase (Spilling off of the hair from the hair shaft). There are certain conditions when a laser hair removal works and is not very much effective for every hair type. 

Laser Hair removal treatment doesn’t cause skin burns as it is already being taken care of by the cooling device on the laser probe. It is pre-cooled, and during the session, the laser technician ensures to keep the skin temperature minimum and therefore, causes no harm to the skin. 

Who Should Get a Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Anyone with excessive hair growth can take laser hair removal treatment irrespective of their gender. One can get it as early as their teenage years until they start growing grey hair. 

However, there are certain conditions where a person cannot get a laser hair removal in Delhi. One should visit a skin expert to know if they are eligible. The dermatologist will examine a person and suggest if they should get it.

Why Choose Dermaworld Skin and Hair Clinics?

Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics provides unmatched laser treatments in Delhi at a reasonable price. They utilize advanced technologies and medical-grade lasers to ensure the best results. The laser experts examine the skin and its type before creating a personalized regime. The patients are advised to get multiple sessions to ensure perfect results (one can start seeing a notable difference after two to three sessions). 

Factors that give Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics a competitive edge are:

Some Additional Advice from the Experts

Following laser hair removal treatment, it is vital to understand and follow these subsequent instructions. 

Perhaps, the laser hair removal tips offered by a qualified skin doctor may provide some clarity. If one is looking to get a laser hair removal, one can visit Dermaworld Skin & Hair Clinics, to get the best doctor for laser hair removal in Delhi. The clinic utilizes best technologies such as Alma Soprano Ice Platinum and Alma Soprano Ice. To know more, book a consultation at the clinic now!

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